Part 5: Meeting strange creatures. Page 3.

Part 5 has grown into a multi-page thing. This is page 3 covering the period July 29 - August 3. Links to other pages are found at the bottom of this page.

A girlie meet. Nellie - a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, Mimi - at long last a Cairn terrier - and me. Mimis servant said I look just like Mimi did when she was a puppy, so I guess I will grow up to be really pretty like Mimi. Her paternal grandfather, Snorrehus Merrie, is my mother's maternal grandfather's maternal grandfather. This is Buster, a four-way crossing between German Shepherd, Newfoundland, Rottweiler and Dobermann Pinscher. Scary stuff, but he didn't bite me. But we did play it rough and I let him win, of course. Didn't want to hurt his feelings.
This is Kali, named after the Indian goddess of death (gulp). He is a Rhodesian Ridgeback and was surprisingly friendly. Even lied down when he spotted me. A real street crossing - Papillon, Chihuahua and something much much bigger. (However did they manage that?) Lively and playful. Nice guy!
This is Fingil, a Papillon working as guard outside a posh decoration shop. A really nice outdoor job if you ask me. Observe his elegant way of sitting on his hind legs. Here is Pebbles, a Jack Russell terrier. She was friendly and playful.
They call him Bimbo, can you believe it? BIMBO! What a name for a retired stud Papillon. He was so ashamed that he could barely face me. Tyson! Sounds macho, doesn't it? He is a Flat Coated Retriever and the friendliest dog I have met so far. Even laid down so we could play a bit.
Met Dina last night. She is a 14 weeks old Rottweiler. We played the domination game and I let her win. She was no match for me, of course. But I thought it best. You know what they say; Never mess with a Rottweiler. This is Sot [soot], my first flat-coated Dachsund friend. Nice guy out walking two servants at the same time. Hard work!
Here is Moses, a BIG muscular Boxer. The Schwarzenegger of the dog world. He started drooling when he caught sight of me and I thougt he might have me marked for termination. So I yapped and whined and played dead. It worked and I am still alive. We were never properly introduced, because his servant (top left in the background) didn't know if he liked puppies or not. But he is the strangest dog you can imagine. Trots like a horse, yoodles instead of barks and cleans himself like a cat. He is a Basenyi, from Africa. Basenyi means native, in Bantu.

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